Our aim at Superstars Preschool is to provide a caring, safe, happy, secure and stimulating environment in which everyone is equal, and all achievements are celebrated. Our vision is to help all children prepare for their future by positively supporting and encouraging them to develop their capabilities as learners and to become confident individuals.
We believe that play underpins the delivery of the EYFS here at Superstars and that children learn best through practical, hands-on experiences and interactions within their environment. The best outcomes for children’s learning occur when most of the activity within a child’s day is child-initiated play, actively supported by adults guiding the learning through playful, rich and experimental activities.
We support children in reaching their full potential, but this is achieved at the child’s own pace. We believe it is important we develop their confidence, independence and self-esteem and create a positive outlook towards the process of learning. This is supported through:
- Having a welcoming environment that promotes equality and values diversity.
- Providing a safe and stimulating environment.
- Receiving individual care, attention and support provided by the Key Person system and high adult: child ratio.
- Being supported by well trained staff.
- Providing high quality care and education based on the four underlying principles of the EYFS:
· every child is a unique child
· children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
· children learn and develop well in enabling environments
· children develop & learn in different ways and at different rates
At Superstars we aim to create a Preschool which feels like home and to provide an extended family environment. We work in partnership with parents to assist in their child’s learning and development as well as other agencies within the community to promote the welfare of children.
We aim to promote well-being and respect by:
· Creating an inclusive nursery environment.
· Promoting positive behaviour.
· Teaching respect and the responsibility of citizenship.
· Promoting equality.
· Promoting positive attitudes to social and cultural diversity.
· Ensuring the physical, social, mental and emotional health and well-being of all children and staff.
· Promoting mutual trust, respect, confidence and caring for all.
· Treating everyone as we would wish to be treated ourselves.
Children have opportunities to:
· Develop their confidence, be part of a group, to take turns and share fairly.
· Become strong and independent, from a base of loving & secure relationships with parents and Key persons.
· Communicate with others as they investigate or solve problems.
· Imagine and recreate roles and experiences.
· Practice and build up ideas, concepts and skills.
· Take risks, make and learn from mistakes.
· Explore, develop and represent learning experiences that help them to make sense of the world.
· Become a part of the local community.
We aim to reflect on our work and fulfil our learning potential by:
· Continually monitoring and evaluating our practice.
· Implementing new initiatives.
· Thriving on challenge and embracing change.
· Our commitment to self-evaluation and nursery improvement. Analysis, evaluating and using information to help us to grow and improve.
At Superstars Preschool you can be confident that…:
· Staff will actively promote our aims and values.
· We have clear policies, procedures and codes of behaviour, which are consistently applied by staff and understood by staff, parents, carers and children.
· You and your child will be consulted about the service provided and your views and ideas valued.
· All children are happy, confident, safe and secure.
· We are fully OFSTED registered our number is: 2689929
We aim to work together with parents to improve learning by:
· Sharing information.
· Promoting an open-door policy.
· Welcoming parents’ views and contributions to nursery activities.
· Working in partnership to support children’s development and learning.
· Promoting a shared vision, values and aims.
· Promoting dialogue about the work of the nursery.
· Building and sustaining strong and respectful relationships.
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the seven areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the three prime areas first.
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical development
These prime areas are essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning.
As children grow, the prime areas will help them develop skills in four specific areas.
Understand of the World
Expressive Arts and Design
At Superstars we strive to expose your children to all seven of these areas in a variety of ways. This is done through the activities we plan.
Learning at Superstars takes place both indoors and outdoors. Children can get dirty and messy as they navigate through the different resources and activities on offer. Please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing to enable them to engage in playing in our sand pit, mud kitchen, water trays and painting easels. This allows them freedom to run-around and be active in our outside space.
When children first begin at our setting, we like to give them a lot of time and attention to ensure that they settle happily. We have a keyperson system; this means that each child is allocated a named member of staff who take responsibility for your child. The keyperson helps the child to settle into the environment and routine.
Some children need support for several days, so parents are invited to stay with their child if needed, until they can manage on their own without distress. This enables parents to gain an overview of the setting and the routine and to get to know staff as well as allowing the child to feel secure enough to learn.
It is fundamental to the child’s well-being that parents and staff cooperate during this time. If you have any specific needs, we will do our best to help.
To ensure all places are allocated fairly, we adhere to an admissions policy which can be viewed on the Superstars' Policies page.
If you are interested in a preschool place, please contact the setting to book an appointment for a tour and to place your child’s name on the waiting list.
Original copy of your child’s birth certificate
Red book for two-year-olds
2 x Proof of address [no more than three months old] preferably a council tax bill or utility bill.
In the heart of Kent.
Superstars Preschool
Cooling’s Lifestyle
Main Road
TN14 7LJ
OFSTED No: 2689929
Ltd. Company No: 14063794
+44 (0)1959 533934